Scroll down for details on how to commission a portrait and past examples

5 x 7 = $250
8 x 10 = $300
16 x 20 = $500

(additional options explained below)

Inquire about a COMMISSION for a Child’s portrait

To start the process, contact me using the form below or by emailing me at monaknelson (a) gmail dot com.

A portrait of a child makes for a wonderful gift and momento of the child’s growth, sense of adventure, or personality.

For each commission, I work with you to understand what you want to capture about the child. To facilitate the process, I always recommend that the customer send a few photos to work with. I then review them and discuss my observations before confirming with you which photo will serve as the basis for a painting. Typically, the painting might diverge in a few, often subtle, ways from the source photo, but this is what the artistic process is all about. I might, for example, adjust colors, remove an object in the background, or adjust the composition to fit the size and orientation of the canvas. This is the part of the process where you place your faith in me, as the artist, to do my best and craft something that gives you joy. After I begin the actual painting, I’ll show you my progress at least once more, make adjustments as necessary, and then treat the portrait as complete. Portraits are treated as final once I deliver them to you.

What makes a good source photo for a portrait commission? Here are a few tips to consider, but don’t let the fact that you don’t have a perfect source photo be a hang-up. We can work with what you have.

  • good lighting

  • higher resolution

  • ability to clearly distinguish the person from the background

  • uncluttered background

  • reasonably close-up

What will your portrait commission consist of?

  • Standard pricing and options: include an unframed painting on either wood panel or canvas in one of the three following dimensions:

    • 5 in x 7 in = $250

    • 8 in x 10 in = $300

    • 16 in x 20 in = $500

  • Special pricing and options: include the following (contact me to discuss):

    • Larger painting = price will vary, with canvas sizes going up to 60 in x 48 in (5 x 4 foot).

    • Framed = price will vary based on painting size and type of frame. Upon commission, my paintings can be hung in an aluminum frame or an aluminum-and-wood frame typically using either walnut, pine, spruce, fir, or mahogany. These frames are each custom-crafted and are priced accordingly, but they beautifully present the paintings and for that reason, I think they are worth it. You can see examples of these frames at this link.

You will receive a digital photo of your painting before it is mailed so you know exactly what it looks like before it is mailed.

Examples of Past Portrait Commissions are below

custom commission child portrait and pet portrait oil paintings
custom commission child portrait and pet portrait oil paintings
custom commission child portrait and pet portrait oil paintings
custom commission child portrait and pet portrait oil paintings
custom commission child portrait and pet portrait oil paintings
custom commission child portrait and pet portrait oil paintings
custom commission child portrait and pet portrait oil paintings
custom commission child portrait and pet portrait oil paintings
Thank you Mona for your work. Your painting of my child has been such a blessing to me through the years.
— Emily Johnson